Project “Green Choice of Ukraine”

Ideas of the project were jointly defined by the members of “MAMA-86” from different regions of Ukraine, which has the different priorities. Therefore the activities of the project are also so diverse. These ideas are results of the many years experience of working in environmental protection field and implementation the principles of sustainable development. Most important environmental problems in the regions were defined for the project.

By the index of environmental sustainability (which evaluates the progress on the way towards sustainable development) Ukraine poses the last place among the post-Soviet countries and 110 place among the 122 countries in 2001. For the production of the goods in Ukraine used several times more energy then in the EU countries. For the increasing of the efficiency of the consumption of natural resources, Ukrainian industry demands reconstruction, and enterprises — re-equipment.

One of the most important things in the process of production and consumption is to understand the necessity to set up and reach economic and ecological goals by the businessmen and representatives of the other sector of the society.

Implementing the continuous ecological education, changing of ideology (from “man is the tsar of the nature” to “we are part of the nature”), forming of the basic principles/values (with ascent on the health, which connected with the environment), providing efficient use of resources by producers and consumers, wide informing of the public, presenting of the worked out project — these activities will help to change the existing structure of the production and consumption in Ukraine and re-orient toward sustainable development.

Project is conducting with the financial support of NOVIB (Netherlands).

Participants of the project :

Project is coordinated by the Central office of “MAMA-86” in Kyiv.

Date of implementation: April 2004 — April 2007.

Goals of the project:

  • Forming environmentally thoughtful individual consumer choice by providing people with special information and practical examples (technical solution)/models;
  • Increasing citizen's environmental awareness and activity. Empower them to claim their human rights on safe and healthy environment.

Goals of the project will be reached by implementation of the three interconnected pillars on the regional level:

  • Sustainable agriculture;
  • Economically Efficient and Safe House;
  • Environmental educaion.

Activities in the regions are joined by the activity on the National level.

Project is based on the information and knowledge obtained through the realization of the National project Ecotelephone, experience of the Drinking Water Campaign, and other projects of MAMA-86.

For the additional information, please contact:

Coordinator of the project

Manager analyst of the project


Project "Green choice of Ukraine"

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